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64 archival descriptions results for Police

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Request from Board of Police Commissioners to have payment approved for settlement with ex Police Chief MacPherson

A letter from G.F. Richards, Secretary to the Board of Police Commissioners, to C.J. Brown, City Clerk, asking that the Committee approve a $5000 payment for a legal settlement with D. MacPherson, whose employment as Chief of Police was terminated during the General Strike.

Winnipeg (Man.). Committee on Finance

Board of Police Commissioners to Committee on Finance regarding settlement with ex Police Chief MacPherson

A letter from G.F. Richards, Secretary to the Board of Police Commissioners, to M. Peterson, Secretary of the Committee on Finance, enclosing a letter he (Richards) sent to the City Comptroller regarding the settlement payment of $5000 to ex Police Chief Donald MacPherson.

Winnipeg (Man.). Committee on Finance

Mayor of Winnipeg to Mayor of Calgary regarding information about the Winnipeg police during the General Strike

A letter from Daniel McLean, Mayor of Winnipeg, to Fred E. Osborne, Mayor of Calgary, responding to the latter's inquiry about Winnipeg's Police during the General Strike. Mayor McLean suggests reading the "Winnipeg Citizen", published by the Citizens' Committee of One Thousand.

Winnipeg (Man.). Mayor's Office

Policeman’s loyalty pledge

A pledge of loyalty to the Police Commission signed by Deputy Inspector George Smith. This pledge, sometimes referred to as the “Slave Pact”, was issued to all police officers.

Winnipeg (Man.). Board of Police Commissioners

Excerpts from Sargent’s Arrest Log

Excerpts from a ledger kept by the Police Department that recorded arrests by date. Information includes date of arrest, name of the arresting officer, the offender’s name, occupation, gender, nationality, marital status, religion, address, offense, date of discharge, and other remarks such as whether or not the offender was put to trial, made to pay a fine, released, etc. The excerpted pages are from June 1-26, 1919. This list includes the names of several leaders of the General Strike.

Winnipeg (Man.). Board of Police Commissioners

Excerpts from minutes of the Board of Police Commissioners regarding the General Strike

Several pages from a bound volume of the minutes of the Board of Police Commissioners between 23 May and 26 June 1919 (page 80: May 23; page 88: May 29; pages 115-116: June 9; pages 125-126: June 11; page 155: June 25; page 156: June 26). Some of the pages have copies of other records pasted to them from other dates. The pages are excerpts and, as a result, some pages contain information that is either continued from the previous page or continues on the next, but is not included. These excerpts were selected by the Winnipeg Police Museum and deal primarily with staffing during the General Strike, including the dismissal of and reinstatement of employees, and the Slave Pact loyalty pledge.

Winnipeg (Man.). Board of Police Commissioners

Police Museum Collection

  • c00018
  • Collection
  • 1919

Records consist of digitized copies of records held by the Winnipeg Police Museum related to the Winnipeg General Strike. These records include correspondence between the Board of Police Commissioners and Police Chiefs Donald MacPherson and Chris Newton, excerpts from the Board of Police Commissioners minute book, and excerpts from the Sargent's Arrest Log.

Winnipeg (Man.). Board of Police Commissioners

Results 1 to 20 of 64