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Affichage de 6429 résultats

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Front cover
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Back cover
Back cover
Inside of front cover
Inside of front cover
Inside of back cover
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Blank page
Blank page
Foot of Robert Street (Galt Ave)
Foot of Robert Street (Galt Ave)
Power House Flooding
Power House Flooding
Euclid and Barber
Euclid and Barber
Causeway to Rover Sub Station
Causeway to Rover Sub Station
Norwood Bridge
Norwood Bridge
Norwood Bridge
Norwood Bridge
Main Street looking south from Main Street Bridge
Main Street looking south from Main Street Bridge
Winnipeg Electric Company building
Winnipeg Electric Company building
Annabella Subway
Annabella Subway
Pumping water
Pumping water
Water Street from Provencher Bridge before causeway was built
Water Street from Provencher Bridge before causeway was built
Lombard Street
Lombard Street
Oakwood Riverview
Oakwood Riverview
Elm Park Bridge
Elm Park Bridge
Résultats 1 à 20 sur 6429