Affichage de 355 résultats

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Euclid and Barber

A photograph of flooding in a residential area of Winnipeg during the 1950 flood. The photograph was taken at the intersection of Disraeli and Euclid.

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Dakota Village Shopping Centre panorama

View of Dakota Village Shopping Centre, 1077-1095 St. Mary's Road, 3.5 acres. From left to right: unknown stores, Ladies and Children's Wear, Lance Pharmacy, [Dakota?] Bowling, Shoe Fair, Bank of Nova Scotia, Safeway, apartment block, Bank of Montreal. Consists of 3 separate photographs pasted together on cardboard to create a panorama. The cardboard is a scrap made from an old sign of the Metropolitan Corporation of Greater Winnipeg (visible on the reverse). The cardboard is numbered “6”, presumably as part of a compilation with other shopping centre panoramas.

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Résultats 1 à 20 sur 355