Affichage de 7 résultats

description archivistique
City of Winnipeg (1874-1971) Fire departments
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7 résultats avec objets numériques Afficher les résultats avec des objets numériques

Winnipeg Hydro and St. Boniface first fire engine floats
Winnipeg Hydro and St. Boniface first fire engine floats
MTS and Fire Fighters floats
MTS and Fire Fighters floats
Fire engine and Arctic Ice floats
Fire engine and Arctic Ice floats
Fire engine and horse-drawn cart
Fire engine and horse-drawn cart
Letter from George F. Ruffenstein  to Council regarding the sale of Babcock firefighting devices
Letter from George F. Ruffenstein to Council regarding the sale of Babcock firefighting devices
Letter from Hyslop & Ronald (Engine and Machine Works) to Council regarding steam fire engine...
Letter from Hyslop & Ronald (Engine and Machine Works) to Council regarding steam fire engine for sale
Winnipeg Fire Brigade, July 1, 1875
Winnipeg Fire Brigade, July 1, 1875