Affichage de 79 résultats

description archivistique
City of Winnipeg (1874-1971) Municipal officials and employees
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77 résultats avec objets numériques Afficher les résultats avec des objets numériques

D. W. (Bud) Steuart

Detached from page 152 of Water Works Scrapbook. A photograph of City employee D. W. (Bud) Steuart. Likely worked for the Water Works Department at one point. This black and white photograph shows Steuart posing in a residential area at winter time. Inscription (on recto): "Bud". Caption: "D. W. Steuart, Entered Service 28 May 1911, Left Service June 5, 191[7], On Active Service for King & Country." Date of photograph is approximate, [ca. 1917].

Members and Officials of the Council of the City of Winnipeg, 1874

Photograph shows Francis Cornish, Mayor, Alderman James Ashdown, Alderman John Cameron, Alderman William Gomez Fonseca, Alderman John Higgins, Alderman Alexander Logan, Alderman James McLenaghan, Alderman John More, Alderman Robert Mulvey, Alderman Thomas Scott, Alderman Andrew Strang, Alderman Herbert Swinford, Alderman William Thibaudeau, Alderman Archibald Wright. Mr. A.M. Brown, City Clerk, Lyster Hayward, Chamberlain, James S. Ramsay, Chamberlain, Henry (Harry) Kirk, Messenger, Alex Brown, Assessor, D. M. Walker, Solicitor, Colin F. Strang, Auditor, D.B. Murray, Chief of Police, Willoughby Clark, Assessor, (unreadable), Auditor, Thomas Parr, City Engineer.

Nominations for Mayor for 1875

A copy of nominations for Mayor for the year 1875, written down by the City Clerk during a meeting of the electors of the City of Winnipeg on December 28, 1874. Francis E. Cornish was nominated by Andrew Strang and Alexander Logan, and William Nassau Kennedy was nominated by J.H. Ashdown and [H.L. Shelton?].

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Results of 1874 civic election in West Ward

A voting tabulation sheet for Winnipeg’s first civic election on January 5, 1874 in West Ward. Voters’ names are recorded, along with who they voted for (Mayor and Aldermen), and the document was confirmed by William Nassau Kennedy, who was acting City Clerk.

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Alderman McCreary

Photograph shows William Forsythe McCreary (1855-1906), former Alderman, 1884, 1895-1896. Date of photograph is probable, [1884?].

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Alderman Bawlf

Photograph shows Nicholas Bawlf (1849-1914), former Alderman, 1883-1884. Date of photograph is probable, [1884?].

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Alderman Ham

Photograph shows George Henry Ham (1847-1926), former Alderman, 1883-1884. Date of photograph is probable, [1884?].

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Résultats 1 à 20 sur 79