Affichage de 26 résultats

description archivistique
Winnipeg (Man.)
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10 résultats avec objets numériques Afficher les résultats avec des objets numériques

1874 assessment roll, East Ward
1874 assessment roll, East Ward
1874 assessment roll, West Ward
1874 assessment roll, West Ward
“hike it, bike it, like it” City of Winnipeg promotional materials
“hike it, bike it, like it” City of Winnipeg promotional materials
City of Winnipeg Active Transportation Study
City of Winnipeg Active Transportation Study
Public Safety Building Time Capsule
Public Safety Building Time Capsule
Special Committees, Minutes
Special Committees, Minutes
Water Works Department Scrapbook
Water Works Department Scrapbook
Bike to Work Day – Bike Week History
Bike to Work Day – Bike Week History
Active transportation studies and policies
Active transportation studies and policies
Winnipeg cycling maps
Winnipeg cycling maps
A guide to the Assiniboine Park bicycle path
A guide to the Assiniboine Park bicycle path
Winnipeg Bicycle Facilities Study, Final Report
Winnipeg Bicycle Facilities Study, Final Report
City of Winnipeg Active Transportation Study
City of Winnipeg Active Transportation Study
Brief on Provincial-Municipal relations submitted to the Government of the Province of Manitoba o...
Brief on Provincial-Municipal relations submitted to the Government of the Province of Manitoba on behalf of the City of Winnipeg
Programme of Competition for a new city hall
Programme of Competition for a new city hall
Assessment rolls
Assessment rolls
City of Winnipeg (1972-)
City of Winnipeg (1972-)
City of Winnipeg (1874-1971)
City of Winnipeg (1874-1971)
Winnipeg bicycle route study
Winnipeg bicycle route study
Island Area Bicycle Study
Island Area Bicycle Study
Résultats 1 à 20 sur 26