Affichage de 14 résultats

description archivistique
City of Winnipeg (1874-1971) Main Street (Winnipeg, Man.) Commerce
Aperçu avant impression Hierarchy Affichage :

14 résultats avec objets numériques Afficher les résultats avec des objets numériques

Red River cart and Hudson’s Bay Company float
Red River cart and Hudson’s Bay Company float
Hold, Renfrew & Co. And Husbandry-Industry-Progress floats
Hold, Renfrew & Co. And Husbandry-Industry-Progress floats
National Cartage and other float
National Cartage and other float
White Star float and parade at corner of Main and Market
White Star float and parade at corner of Main and Market
Greater Winnipeg Water District, Lord Selkirk Association-Old Kildonan, and MTS floats
Greater Winnipeg Water District, Lord Selkirk Association-Old Kildonan, and MTS floats
Robinson & Co. And Public Baths Department floats
Robinson & Co. And Public Baths Department floats
Greater Winnipeg Board of Trade and United Commercial Travellers floats
Greater Winnipeg Board of Trade and United Commercial Travellers floats
Greater Winnipeg Board of Trade float and group photo of five men
Greater Winnipeg Board of Trade float and group photo of five men
Winnipeg’s Breathing Spaces, Holt, Renfrew & Co., and other floats
Winnipeg’s Breathing Spaces, Holt, Renfrew & Co., and other floats
Van Berkel Brothers and Health Department floats
Van Berkel Brothers and Health Department floats
Fire engine and Arctic Ice floats
Fire engine and Arctic Ice floats
Robinson & Co. Float and horse-drawn cart
Robinson & Co. Float and horse-drawn cart
North End Farmers' Market
North End Farmers' Market
North End Farmers' Market
North End Farmers' Market