Civic Strike of 1918
Civic Strike of 1918
City Clerk to Waterworks Department regarding Board of Control Decision
City Clerk to Alderman A.A. Heaps regarding formation of Special Committee to settle the civic strike
City Clerk to Firemen's Association regarding strike negotiation
Steam and Operating Engineers Union to City Clerk's Office regarding continued operation of plant
Mayor Davidson to City Clerk regarding special meeting of Council
Trades and Labor Council to City Clerk in support of civic strike
Firemen's Association to Fire Department regarding strike demands
City Clerk to all members of Council regarding special Council meeting
City Clerk to Firemen's Association regarding negotiation
Firemen's Association to City Clerk regarding negotiation
Trades and Labor Council to City Clerk's Office regarding negotiation
City Clerk to Trades and Labor Council regarding negotiation
Light and Power Department to Special Committee on Strike Settlement regarding negotiation
Tentative settlement between City and civic workers on strike
Tentative settlement between City and civic workers on strike
James D. [Morice?] to Council congratulating their stance on the strike
Notes regarding the civic strike
Council voting card
Notes on Council meeting