Affichage de 296 résultats

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Winnipeg (Man.). Mayor's Office Proclamations
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294 résultats avec objets numériques Afficher les résultats avec des objets numériques

Proclamation for Correct Posture Week [Newspaper clipping]
Proclamation for Correct Posture Week [Newspaper clipping]
Proclamation - Community Centre Day
Proclamation - Community Centre Day
Proclamation - National Health Week
Proclamation - National Health Week
Proclamation - Academy Awards Motion Picture Theatre Day
Proclamation - Academy Awards Motion Picture Theatre Day
Proclamation - St. John Ambulance "Save a Life" Week
Proclamation - St. John Ambulance "Save a Life" Week
Proclamation - B'nai B'rith Week
Proclamation - B'nai B'rith Week
Proclamation - Pan American Trials Week-End
Proclamation - Pan American Trials Week-End
Proclamation - Civic Holiday
Proclamation - Civic Holiday
Proclamation - National Home Week
Proclamation - National Home Week
Proclamation - Credit Union Week
Proclamation - Credit Union Week
Proclamation - Frozen Food Week
Proclamation - Frozen Food Week
Proclamation - World Refugee Year Austerity Week
Proclamation - World Refugee Year Austerity Week
Proclamation for Correct Posture Week
Proclamation for Correct Posture Week
Proclamation - Blue and Gold Day
Proclamation - Blue and Gold Day
Proclamation - National Home Week
Proclamation - National Home Week
Proclamation - Foster Parents Week
Proclamation - Foster Parents Week
Proclamation - Community Centre Week
Proclamation - Community Centre Week
Proclamation - National Health Week
Proclamation - National Health Week
Proclamation - Bowling Week In Manitoba
Proclamation - Bowling Week In Manitoba
Résultats 1 à 20 sur 296