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Affichage de 53 résultats

description archivistique
Harold K. White Studio Winnipeg (Man.). Downtown Floods
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8 résultats avec objets numériques Afficher les résultats avec des objets numériques

38 and 40 Hargrave Street

A photograph taken during the 1950 flood, showing 38 Hargrave Street and 40 Hargrave Street. Item is 1 of 8 photographs on page 83 of scrapbook.

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28 and 30 Hargrave Street

A photograph taken during the 1950 flood, showing 28 Hargrave Street and 30 Hargrave Street. Item is 3 of 8 photographs on page 83 of scrapbook.

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24 and 26 Hargrave Street

A photograph taken during the 1950 flood, showing 24 Hargrave Street and 26 Hargrave Street. Item is 4 of 8 photographs on page 83 of scrapbook.

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35 Hargrave Street

A photograph taken during the 1950 flood, showing 35 Hargrave Street. Item is 2 of 7 photographs on page 84 of scrapbook.

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27 and 33 Hargrave Street

A photograph taken during the 1950 flood, showing 27 Hargrave Street and 33 Hargrave Street. Item is 3 of 7 photographs on page 84 of scrapbook.

Sans titre

46 Notre Dame East

A photograph taken during the 1950 flood, showing 46 Notre Dame East. Item is 2 of 6 photographs on page 55 of scrapbook.

Sans titre

103 Notre Dame East

A photograph taken during the 1950 flood, showing 103 Notre Dame East. Item is 4 of 6 photographs on page 55 of scrapbook.

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Osborne and Broadway

A photograph of the intersection of Broadway and Osborne Street during the 1950 flood in Winnipeg. The photo is taken from Osborne Street, looking north; the stone cross of All Saints' Church can be seen near the left side of the image.

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Foot of Robert Street (Galt Ave)

A photograph of the Eaton's printing plant and warehouse on Robert Street (Galt Avenue) during the 1950 flood. The building is surrounded by a sandbag dike and water.

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Résultats 1 à 20 sur 53