- i04545
- Pièce
- [ca. 1912]
Fait partie de Morris Block collection
Photograph of houses on Edmonton Street, likely south of Portage Avenue.
Sans titre
81 résultats avec objets numériques Afficher les résultats avec des objets numériques
Fait partie de Morris Block collection
Photograph of houses on Edmonton Street, likely south of Portage Avenue.
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Fait partie de Parks and Recreation Photograph collection
Four photographs affixed two to each side of a page of construction paper. The two photos on the first side depict children playing at the Scotia Rink, while those on the second depict children on a swing set and eating ice cream.
Fait partie de Parks and Recreation Photograph collection
Two photographs of children playing hockey on outdoor skating rinks. Photo at top was taken outside the Northland Knitting Company building at 618 Arlington Street. Photo at bottom was taken on Scotia Street, near Luxton Avenue. The photographs are affixed to one side of a piece of construction paper that has two other photos on its reverse.
Fait partie de Parks and Recreation Photograph collection
An album page with a photograph on each side. The photographs depict a Parks Board supervised skating rink outside the Northland Knitting Company at 618 Arlington Street on each side.
Fait partie de Parks and Recreation Photograph collection
The first side of an album page with a photograph of a Parks Board supervised skating rink outside Isaac Brock School and Chalmers United Church at Spruce Street and Barratt Avenue affixed.
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Fait partie de Parks and Recreation Photograph collection
The second side of an album page with a photograph of a Parks Board supervised skating rink outside the Norhtland Knitting Company Building at 618 Arlington Street affixed.
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Preliminary Report on Residential Areas - Metropolitan Plan for Greater Winnipeg
Fait partie de City Clerk's Library collection
Item consists of 1 report (60 pages), jointly prepared by the Metropolitan Planning Committee and Winnipeg Town Planning Commission. The report focuses on residential areas in the Greater Winnipeg Area. Part of the Metropolitan Plan for Greater Winnipeg - number 7 of master plan reports.
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Horses and men leading novelty carriage
Fait partie de City of Winnipeg Archives Photograph collection
Photograph of a cavalcade of horses and men in suits leading a carriage made of hay[?] down an unknown, partially residential street.
Floods - St. Boniface and Norwood - April 1916
Fait partie de City of Winnipeg Archives Photograph collection
Postcard is a photographic print showing water flooding homes. Photograph taken by Advance Photo Company, Winnipeg. Azo mark appears in stamp box, made in Canada.
Winnipeg under water - April 1916
Fait partie de City of Winnipeg Archives Photograph collection
Postcard shows men on wooden sidewalks.
Winnipeg under water - April 1916
Fait partie de City of Winnipeg Archives Photograph collection
Postcard is a photographic print showing water flooding homes likely in St. Boniface. Unknown photographer, Noko mark appears in stamp box.
Fait partie de City of Winnipeg Archives Photograph collection
Postcard includes message from Tab to Beat? on verso. Published by C. S. Co. Ltd., Winnipeg, printed in Saxony.
Winnipeg, Man., Corner Kennedy and Assiniboine Sts.
Fait partie de City of Winnipeg Archives Photograph collection
Postcard shows view of Kennedy Street, looking North from Assiniboine Avenue. Nicholas Bawlf residence, 11 Kennedy Street, shown at right foreground. Published by W. J. & Co. Ltd., Toronto, made in Germany. Date of postcard is approximate, ca. 1906.
View of Carnegie Library, 380 William Avenue
Fait partie de City of Winnipeg Archives Photograph collection
Shown in background (left) is Francis Cornish residence, in background (right) Victoria School is visible. Date of postcard is approximate, ca. 1905.
Log cabins at city wood camp, Greater Winnipeg Water District Railway
Fait partie de City of Winnipeg Archives Photograph collection
Photograph shows man standing in front of log cabins used by workers at wood cutting camps. Date of photograph is approximate, ca. 1930.
Rue Langevin, St. Boniface under water floods April 1916, showing men in boat
Fait partie de City of Winnipeg Archives Photograph collection
House flanked by wooden sidewalks
Fait partie de City of Winnipeg Archives Photograph collection
Flooded residential street, 1916 Flood, Norwood
Fait partie de City of Winnipeg Archives Photograph collection
Photograph shows scene from the 1916 flooding of the Assiniboine River in Norwood, flooded residential street in view.
Homes under water on residential street, 1916 Flood, Norwood
Fait partie de City of Winnipeg Archives Photograph collection
Photograph shows scene from the 1916 flooding of the Assiniboine River in Norwood, homes under water on residential street in view.
Man in boat rowing down residential street, 1916 Flood, Norwood
Fait partie de City of Winnipeg Archives Photograph collection
Photograph shows scene from the 1916 flooding of the Assiniboine River in Norwood, unidentified man rowing down residential street at center-left of photograph.