Affichage de 31 résultats

description archivistique
Block, Morris Transportation Avec objets numériques
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Broadway looking west from Fort Garry Court

Photograph taken from Fort Garry Court, located at Broadway and Main Street, looking west down Broadway. St. Mary’s Academy, the Parliament Building (Legislature), and Law Courts are labeled off in the distance.

Sans titre

Western Cake and Pie Co carriage

Photograph mounted on cardboard of the horse-drawn delivery wagon of the Western Cake and Pie Comapany, owned by Crane and David, who owned a bakery at 765 Dufferin Avenue.

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Main Street, looking north from Portage

A promotional stereogram showing traffic and streetcars on Main Street, looking north from Portage Avenue, made by the Keystone View Company. The reverse side of the image contains information about Winnipeg.

Sans titre

Résultats 1 à 20 sur 31