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description archivistique
Winnipeg (Man.). West End Avec objets numériques
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Polo Park Shopping Centre panorama

View of Polo Park Shopping Centre, 1485 Portage Avenue, 41 acres. West side of shopping centre, north side of Portage Avenue between Empress Street and St. James Street. Left to Right: Winnipeg Stadium, Winnipeg Arena, Loblaws, Simpson Sears Marina, Simpson Sears Garden Shop, Simpson Sears Department Store, Simpson Sears Service Station. Consists of 4 separate photographs pasted together on cardboard to create a panorama. The cardboard is a scrap made from an old sign of the Metropolitan Corporation of Greater Winnipeg (visible on the reverse). The cardboard is numbered “11”, presumably as part of a compilation with other shopping centre panoramas.

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Polo Park Shopping Centre panorama

View of Polo Park Shopping Centre, 1485 Portage Avenue, 41 acres. East side of shopping centre. From left to right: the Pancake House, Simpsons-Sears, Perth's Dry Cleaners, Genser's Furniture, Daytons, Jack and Jill, Reward, Gordi's Restaurant, Ricki’s, addition to shopping centre under construction, Dominion Store, CJAY-TV Station (CKY-TV), Winnipeg Arena. Consists of 4 separate photographs pasted together on cardboard to create a panorama. The cardboard is a scrap made from an old sign of the Metropolitan Corporation of Greater Winnipeg (visible on the reverse). The cardboard is numbered “12”, presumably as part of a compilation with other shopping centre panoramas.

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Polo Park Shopping Centre panorama

View of Polo Park Shopping Centre, 1485 Portage Avenue, 41 acres. South side of shopping centre. Left to right: Winnipeg Motor Products, Motor Club, Simpson Sears Service Station, Simpson Sears Department Store. Consists of 3 separate photographs pasted together on cardboard to create a panorama. The cardboard is a scrap made from an old sign of the Metropolitan Corporation of Greater Winnipeg (visible on the reverse). The cardboard is numbered “13”, presumably as part of a compilation with other shopping centre panoramas.

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Résultats 1 à 20 sur 234