Affichage de 37 résultats

description archivistique
Broadway (Winnipeg, Man.)
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37 résultats avec objets numériques Afficher les résultats avec des objets numériques

Photograph album of Winnipeg during WW1: Page 2

Item consists of a scrapbook page showing unidentified building (Item 7), Industrial Bureau Exhibition Building (Item 8), Canadian National Railway station (C.N.R. station) from Broadway looking east (Item 9), unidentified woman standing in front of residential building (Item 10), City Hall and Volunteer Monument (second City Hall) (Item 11), unidentified woman posing in front of what is likely the Assiniboine Park Pavilion (Item 12). Dates of photographs are approximate, [ca. 1913].

Osborne and Broadway

A photograph of the intersection of Broadway and Osborne Street during the 1950 flood in Winnipeg. The photo is taken from Osborne Street, looking north; the stone cross of All Saints' Church can be seen near the left side of the image.

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Arthur and Fred Landen photograph album – page 26

Page 26 of a photograph album created by brothers Arthur and Fred Landen of Hull, England. Page consists of 6 photographs taken by Fred Landen depicting, clockwise from top-left: Winnipeg’s second City Hall and the Volunteer Monument (which is captioned “Scott’s Monument, Fish Creek”); the Osborne Bridge over the Assiniboine River; a horse drawn sleigh carrying cords of wood in front of City Hall; a large house on Broadway, a dog sleigh in front of H. Laffrezen's Central Bakery at 333 1/2 William Avenue; and floating ice on the Assiniboine River.

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Résultats 1 à 20 sur 37