A photograph of the Eaton's printing plant and warehouse on Robert Street (Galt Avenue) during the 1950 flood. The building is surrounded by a sandbag dike and water.
Captions read: Mile 85 - Old Fort Garry and hotel - Fort Garry apartments - Hudson's Bay stores, Winnipeg - Bay City dredge - Whitemouth, April 1914 - W.G. Chas, J.H. Fuertes [?], A. C.H. Blanchard [?] - Mile 57.
Captions read: Jumbo[?], Indian Bay - Ruins of camp 1 built on Ontario gold concessions, Shoal Lake, 1896 - Jumbo - Teddy - Teddy, Whitemouth - Birch River railroad bridge - Chasing young ducks with launch, Shoal Lake.
Captions read: Dyke - Blanchard's, Indian Bay - Indian Camp, Shoal Lake [Kekekoziibii Shoal Lake 40 First Nation] - Removing arch - Camp 5, mile 77 - Remains after oil House fire, camp 5, mile 77 - Excursion train, camp 6 -Tennis court, Indian Bay - Young wild ducks.
Photograph of workers using a contractor's device for moving outside arch forms of the Winnipeg Aqueduct near Spruce Siding, Manitoba. Photographer is unknown.
Photograph of dump cars filling in last gap of a cofferdam between dykes at the intake of the Winnipeg Aqueduct at Indian Bay, taken from the west dyke. Photographer is unknown.