Affichage de 6519 résultats

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[Legislative Assembly of Assiniboia]

Photograph shows (Front row, L-R): Robert O'Lone, Paul Proulx. (Centre row, L-R): Pierre Poitras, John Bruce, Louis Riel, John O'Donoghue, Fran'ois Dauphinais. (Rear row, L-R): Bonnet Tromage, Pierre de Lorme, Thomas Bunn, Xavier Page, Baptiste Beauchemin, Baptiste Tournond, Joseph (Thomas?) Spence. (Source: Library and Archives Canada / PA-012854).

Photograph is dated [1870] and taken by Joseph Langevin.

Sketch of Upper Fort Garry

Photograph taken of a sketch by an unknown artist of Upper Fort Garry. In addition to the fort, soldiers in formation are featured, as are canoes and Indigenous peoples across the Assinibone River. The photograph's reverse side credits it to J. Penrose Photo Studio.

Charter of the City of Winnipeg

Printed copy of the Charter of the City of Winnipeg (An Act to Incorporate the City of Winnipeg), the act that incorporated Winnipeg as a City, assented to by the Manitoba Legislature on November 8, 1873.

Results of 1874 civic election in West Ward

A voting tabulation sheet for Winnipeg’s first civic election on January 5, 1874 in West Ward. Voters’ names are recorded, along with who they voted for (Mayor and Aldermen), and the document was confirmed by William Nassau Kennedy, who was acting City Clerk.

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Résultats 1 à 20 sur 6519