Active transportation studies and policies
- d00973
- Dossier
- 2008-2014
Fait partie de The W.R.E.N.C.H. Winnipeg Cycling Archive collection
Studies conducted by the City of Winnipeg on bike traffic and infrastructure.
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10 résultats avec objets numériques Afficher les résultats avec des objets numériques
Active transportation studies and policies
Fait partie de The W.R.E.N.C.H. Winnipeg Cycling Archive collection
Studies conducted by the City of Winnipeg on bike traffic and infrastructure.
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Fait partie de The W.R.E.N.C.H. Winnipeg Cycling Archive collection
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“hike it, bike it, like it” City of Winnipeg promotional materials
Fait partie de The W.R.E.N.C.H. Winnipeg Cycling Archive collection
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Scanned 1970s reports and maps
Fait partie de The W.R.E.N.C.H. Winnipeg Cycling Archive collection
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City of Winnipeg Active Transportation Study
Fait partie de The W.R.E.N.C.H. Winnipeg Cycling Archive collection
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Fonds 1 consists of administrative, legislative, financial and photographic records documenting the operation of the City of Winnipeg prior to amalgamation.
A substantial part of the fonds consists of records documenting the debates and decisions of Council, such as Council minutes and by-laws. Also included are minutes of the Board of Control, as well as minutes and reports of other standing and special committees of Council. These records cover a wide range of municipal functions, including finance, land use planning, public works, social services and other municipal services.
Some municipal responsibilities are documented in greater detail in departmental records or records of various boards and commissions. These include parks and recreation, public health and planning. General information about the City of Winnipeg, including elected representatives, history, and statistics can be found in City Clerk's Department records.
Records that document the financial history of the City include tax assessment records, auditors reports and financial statements.
Photographic records document the growth of the City and activities of elected officials, municipal employees, and citizens.
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Fait partie de City Clerk's Library collection
Item consists of 1 brief (63 pages), prepared by H. Carl Goldenberg, Special Counsel for the City of Winnipeg, and submitted to the Province of Manitoba. Date of item is May 15, 1948.
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The emergency service provided in the City of Winnipeg
Fait partie de City Clerk's Library collection
Item consists of 1 pamphlet (16 pages) with information on emergency service provided in the City of Winnipeg and the "999" call center, another first for Winnipeg. Item is dated 1968 and contains a series of reproduced photographs. On verso, it says: "LITHOGRAPHED IN CANADA BY BULMAN BROS. LIMITED, WPG."
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Program for Winnipeg’s 50 year Jubilee reunion dinner
Fait partie de City Clerk's Library collection
A program and invitation for a dinner held on June 18, 1924 to celebrate Winnipeg’s 50th anniversary. The booklet contains a list of those invited, a dinner menu, a list of past and present mayors and councillors, and a space to collect autographs.
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Program to official opening of the 1964 City Hall
Fait partie de City Clerk's Library collection
A program and informational booklet detailing the ceremonial opening of the new City Hall on October 5, 1964. The booklet contains an event program, a list of officials, a message from Mayor Stephen Juba, a brief history of Winnipeg and City Hall, and details and photographs about the new City Hall’s construction. The program was Lithographed by Bulman Brothers Ltd.
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Programme of Competition for a new city hall
Fait partie de City Clerk's Library collection
Similar to a request for proposals, this programme, titled, "Programme of Competition for the Selection of an Architect for the Erection of a New City Hall, Winnipeg, Man.", invites architects and architectural firms to bid for the contract to construct a new city hall. It contains information about design and administrative requirements, as well as funding, and includes a rough map of the new city hall's location. This iteration of a new city hall was never built and the project was scrapped.
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City of Winnipeg Active Transportation Study
Fait partie de The W.R.E.N.C.H. Winnipeg Cycling Archive collection
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Fait partie de The W.R.E.N.C.H. Winnipeg Cycling Archive collection
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Winnipeg Bicycle Facilities, Preliminary Pathway Construction Estimates for Various Locations
Fait partie de The W.R.E.N.C.H. Winnipeg Cycling Archive collection
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Winnipeg Bicycle Facilities Study, Final Report
Fait partie de The W.R.E.N.C.H. Winnipeg Cycling Archive collection
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A guide to the Assiniboine Park bicycle path
Fait partie de The W.R.E.N.C.H. Winnipeg Cycling Archive collection
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Fait partie de The W.R.E.N.C.H. Winnipeg Cycling Archive collection
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Bike to Work Day – Bike Week History
Fait partie de The W.R.E.N.C.H. Winnipeg Cycling Archive collection
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1874 assessment roll, East Ward
Fait partie de City of Winnipeg (1874-1971)
Bound assessment rolls for 1874 in Winnipeg's East Ward.
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