Assiniboine Park (City Park)
Assiniboine Park (City Park)
Back view of Assiniboine Park Pavilion
Old Cricket Pavilion in Assiniboine Park
New Cricket Pavilion in Assiniboine Park
Assiniboine Park (winter scene)
Photograph album of Winnipeg during WW1: Page 1
Photograph album of Winnipeg during WW1: Page 2
1932 Relief Works and Committee Winnipeg
Collection of records about the history of parks and recreational activities in Winnipeg with photos of the Assiniboine Park English Gardens
Collection of records about the history of parks and recreational activities in Winnipeg with photos of the Assiniboine Park English Gardens
Group photo at the Assiniboine Park lily pond
The English gardens in Assiniboine Park
Exterior of the Assiniboine Park conservatory
Hail damage to the interior Assiniboine Park conservatory roof
Band playing in Assiniboine Park
Band and audience in Assiniboine Park
Boy with the Boot statue by the pond in Assiniboine Park English Gardens
A polar bear in the Assiniboine Park Zoo bear enclosure
A polar bear in the Assiniboine Park Zoo bear enclosure
Assiniboine Park pavilion