Downtown Winnipeg - Plan of St. Mary-Broadway Sector
Downtown Winnipeg - Isometric of St. Mary-Broadway Sector
Main interceptor looking toward curve, Broadway and Main St.
The Fort Garry Hotel and Union Station, Winnipeg, Manitoba
The Fort Garry Canadian National Railways' Hotel, Broadway and Fort Street
Parliament Buildings, Winnipeg
Broadway Avenue from Manitoba Club, Winnipeg
Broadway Ave., Winnipeg
Broadway Methodist Church and Kennedy Street, Winnipeg
C.N.R. Station, Winnipeg, Man.
Union Station, Winnipeg, Manitoba
Fort Garry Hotel, Winnipeg, Manitoba
Downtown Winnipeg - Aerial view of St. Mary-Broadway Sector (Map Three)
Central Winnipeg between Portage and Notre Dame Avenues [Aerial view]
Legislative Building and Central Winnipeg [Aerial view]
A military funeral, Broadway and Spence Streets, Winnipeg - 1914
Fort Garry Hotel, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Photograph album of Winnipeg during WW1: Page 2