Affichage de 178 résultats

description archivistique
Main Street (Winnipeg, Man.)
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177 résultats avec objets numériques Afficher les résultats avec des objets numériques

Red River cart and Hudson’s Bay Company float
Red River cart and Hudson’s Bay Company float
Calhoun Hat float and Red River cart
Calhoun Hat float and Red River cart
Ukraine and Rotary Club floats
Ukraine and Rotary Club floats
50th anniversary parade at Portage and Main
50th anniversary parade at Portage and Main
Tribune Flowers and other floats
Tribune Flowers and other floats
Hold, Renfrew & Co. And Husbandry-Industry-Progress floats
Hold, Renfrew & Co. And Husbandry-Industry-Progress floats
Winnipeg, Main Street looking south, Spring of 1874
Winnipeg, Main Street looking south, Spring of 1874
Part of East Ward, St. Boniface in the distance
Part of East Ward, St. Boniface in the distance
National Cartage and other float
National Cartage and other float
Portage and Main, looking west down Portage Avenue
Portage and Main, looking west down Portage Avenue
Eaton's promotional stereogram no. 40 - Main Street, showing banking district
Eaton's promotional stereogram no. 40 - Main Street, showing banking district
Main Street, north of Portage
Main Street, north of Portage
Canada Bread delivery wagons at Main and Selkirk
Canada Bread delivery wagons at Main and Selkirk
Photograph album of Winnipeg during WW1: Page 2
Photograph album of Winnipeg during WW1: Page 2
Main Street looking south from Main Street Bridge
Main Street looking south from Main Street Bridge
Five street views
Five street views
Winnipeg Riot, June 10, 1919
Winnipeg Riot, June 10, 1919
Winnipeg Riot
Winnipeg Riot
Central view at unveiling Volunteer Monument, Winnipeg, Sept. 28, 1886
Central view at unveiling Volunteer Monument, Winnipeg, Sept. 28, 1886
Lord Strathcona Horse
Lord Strathcona Horse
Résultats 1 à 20 sur 178