Affichage de 178 résultats

description archivistique
Main Street (Winnipeg, Man.)
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177 résultats avec objets numériques Afficher les résultats avec des objets numériques

Looking east on Portage Avenue East prior to the opening of the Portage and Main underground pedestrian concourse on February 23, 1979

Caption (on file): "Shivering on the corner of Portage and Main on a cold, windy day waiting for traffic lights to change will now be just a memory with the opening of a climate controlled underground pedestrian concourse linking the four corners of Winnipeg's famous intersection."

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Looking west on Portage Avenue prior to the opening of the Portage and Main underground pedestrian concourse on February 23, 1979

Caption (on file): "Residents of Winnipeg who for a hundred years have fought the wintry winds at the corner of Portage and Main will now cross in summertime comfort with the provision of an environmentally controlled pedestrian concourse beneath Canada's most famous corner."

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Civic Centre Complex

A photograph of the Civic Centre Complex, Winnipeg's third city hall (1964-present). Council Building, Administration Building, and public transit bus in view. Taken from William Avenue and Main Street, looking northwest. Date of photograph is uncertain, [197-?]. The photographer is likely Henry Kalen.

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City Hall (exterior), No. C-508

Photograph of Civic Complex, showing Council Building and Administration Building, taken from corner of Main Street and William Avenue. Description (on verso): Third City Hall - Officially Opened October 5th, 1964. Photograph taken by Henry Kalen.

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City Hall and courtyard, facing Market Avenue

Photograph of the front side of Winnipeg's second City Hall, facing towards Market Avenue. Also featured in the photograph is the green space in front of City Hall, the Jubilee Fountain, the Volunteer Monument, businesses and store fronts on Market Avenue, and the McLaren and Cornwall Hotels in the distance. Photographed by Henry Kalen.

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Public buildings and street scenes

Photographs of various Winnipeg buildings, such as fire stations and the Land Titles building, and scenes of streets such as Broadway. The photographs appear to be reproductions, some marked as being from the Archives of Manitoba.

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Main Street

A photograph of floodwater and sandbag dikes outside 368 and 372 Main Street during the 1950 flood in Winnipeg.

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Main Street

A photograph of floodwater and a pump outside the Royal Bank on Main Street during the 1950 flood in Winnipeg.

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Main Street Bridge

A photograph of the Main Street Bridge during the 1950 flood in Winnipeg. The Hotel Fort Garry can be seen in the background.

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Résultats 1 à 20 sur 178