Affichage de 59 résultats

description archivistique
Winnipeg (Man.). West Kildonan
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47 résultats avec objets numériques Afficher les résultats avec des objets numériques

Scrapbook [1950 flood photographs]
Scrapbook [1950 flood photographs]
Kildonan Park - General
Kildonan Park - General
A gathering in the gardens in Kildonan Park
A gathering in the gardens in Kildonan Park
Lilac trees in bloom at Kildonan Park
Lilac trees in bloom at Kildonan Park
1997 flood - Kildonan Park - military personnel building a dike
1997 flood - Kildonan Park - military personnel building a dike
Aerial of 1974 Flood – Red River between East and West Kildonan
Aerial of 1974 Flood – Red River between East and West Kildonan
Aerial of 1974 Flood – Fraser’s Grove Park
Aerial of 1974 Flood – Fraser’s Grove Park
Kildonan Park Pavilion
Kildonan Park Pavilion
220 Scotia Street
220 Scotia Street
217 Scotia Street
217 Scotia Street
Collection of records about the history of parks and recreational activities in Winnipeg with photos of Kildonan Park Golf Course
Collection of records about the history of parks and recreational activities in Winnipeg with photos of Kildonan Park Golf Course
Four men golfing on the Kildonan Park Golf Course
Four men golfing on the Kildonan Park Golf Course
Golfers on the Kildonan Park Golf Course Green
Golfers on the Kildonan Park Golf Course Green
Kildonan Park - Formal Gardens
Kildonan Park - Formal Gardens
Kildonan Park – Pavilion back entrance
Kildonan Park – Pavilion back entrance
Woman sitting on bench in Kildonan Park
Woman sitting on bench in Kildonan Park
Wedding party at Kildonan Park
Wedding party at Kildonan Park
Junior golfers on the green at Kildonan Park Golf Course
Junior golfers on the green at Kildonan Park Golf Course
A man standing alone on the green of the Kildonan Park Golf Course
A man standing alone on the green of the Kildonan Park Golf Course
Main Street, corner Seven Oaks, Rainfall, June 29, 1932
Main Street, corner Seven Oaks, Rainfall, June 29, 1932
Résultats 1 à 20 sur 59