Series consists of nomination procedures, an electoral division street index, maps for electoral divisions 5 to 10, election information and working papers for Assiniboia (Division no. 10).
Metropolitan Corporation of Greater Winnipeg (Man.)
Forms part of Fonds 24. Series V consists of records created in the years 2001-2002 to serve the Division’s purpose of identifying, recruiting, and training Volunteers to serve at the 2002 NAIG. Records mainly relate to accreditation and document the activities of the Volunteer Committee.
North American Indigenous Games Host Society (Winnipeg), Inc.
Forms part of Fonds 24. Series S includes records that were created in the years 1995-2000 to serve the Division’s purpose of ensuring that each of the competitions in the North American Indigenous Games was a first class competition. Records include files on each sport included in the Games, Sports Schedules and Technical Plans, records relating to Site Teams and Venues, Operations manuals, and recorded Results and Awards.
North American Indigenous Games Host Society (Winnipeg), Inc.
Forms part of Fonds 24. Series O includes records created in the years 1999-2002 to serve the Division’s purpose of providing the best possible services to the athletes, coaches, managers and cultural participants during their stay at the 2002 NAIG. Records include Operational plans, Venue agreements, Transportation arrangements, Environment plans, Security plans, Sensitivity Programs, Service Plans, and Medical arrangements.
North American Indigenous Games Host Society (Winnipeg), Inc.
Forms part of Fonds 24. Series F consists of records that were created in the years 2001-2002 to serve the Division’s purpose of raising money from sponsors to meet the Games budget requirements. Records included within the Series are mainly Sponsorship Agreements and Fundraising Committee meetings and plans.
North American Indigenous Games Host Society (Winnipeg), Inc.
Forms part of Fonds 24. Series D consists of records that were created in the years 1997-2002 in the Division’s efforts to integrate a cultural component into all aspects of the Games. Series includes Cultural Village plans and Committee meeting minutes, Opening and Closing Ceremony plans and meeting minutes, Festival Division records, records relating to entertainers and performances, and information relating to Aboriginal Culture and Customs.
North American Indigenous Games Host Society (Winnipeg), Inc.
Forms part of Fonds 24. Series C consists of records created for the promotion and documentation of the 2002 NAIG in the years 1994-2002. The Series includes photographs and logos for posters, audio and video advertisements, scripts for speeches, and records relating to Aboriginal advertising venues and media.
North American Indigenous Games Host Society (Winnipeg), Inc.
Forms part of Fonds 24. Series B consists of records created in the years 1998-2001 to ensure the 2002 NAIG were planned in a fiscally responsible manner, being accountable to the various funding bodies, and providing a financial legacy for the sporting community. Series mainly consists of financial records, records of the Pan Canadian Indigenous Game Fund and Centre for Aboriginal Human Resource Development, and records relating to employment opportunities and internships for Aboriginal Youth.
North American Indigenous Games Host Society (Winnipeg), Inc.
Forms part of Fonds 24. Series A includes records created or collected by members or committees of the Host Society responsible for organizing the 2002 NAIG in the years 1994-2002. As the highest level of management, The Host Society was the core of the 2002 NAIG. High level decisions were made at the Host Society level; Host Society meetings were attended by Government representatives, Chairs of other NAIG Divisions, and representatives of related Aboriginal or Metis organizations or groups; and updates from all other NAIG divisions were received and considered by the Host Society. Records include General Manager’s Files, Executive Assistant Files, and the Minutes of the Host Society Organizing Council, Budget & Finance Committee, Executive Committee, Chef de Mission meetings, NAIG Council, Board of Directors, Risk Management Committee, and other Staff Meetings.
North American Indigenous Games Host Society (Winnipeg), Inc.
Forms part of Fonds 26. Series consists of by-laws for the Rural Municipality of Kildonan. Included are bound by-laws numbered 229-417 (1908-1914), supporting documents tucked or stapled into bound volumes, and by-laws 4-417 folded in cardboard sheathes in packfile boxes. By-laws are not in perfect chronological order, and some may be missing.
Forms part of Fonds 13. Series consists of the minutes for the City of St. James-Assiniboia. Both regular and special meetings of Council are recorded, as well as minutes of standing or special committees.
Alphabetical indexes for minutes appear at the beginning of minute volumes for each year.
Forms part of Fonds 13. Series consists of by-laws for the Rural Municipality and City of St. James. Included are bound by-laws 1-10972 and supporting documents.
Forms part of Fonds 13. Series consists of minutes for the Council of the Rural Municipality and City of St. James. Both regular and special meetings of Council are recorded, as well as minutes of standing or special committees including the Centennial and Finance Committees.
Alphabetized indexes for minutes 1925-1930 appear at beginning of series, followed by minute books. All other minutes are indexed alphabetically within Minute Volumes.
Forms part of Fonds 11. Series consists of minutes for the Council of the Town and City of Transcona. Both regular and special meetings of Council are recorded, as well as recommendations and/or minutes of the Transcona Relief, Parks Board, Finance, Public Works, Water and Light, Police, Fire, Health, Licenses, Legislation and Reception, Transcona Community Committee and Residents Advisory Group. Indexes exist for some Minute volumes.
Forms part of Fonds 25. Series consists of all surviving by-laws for the Rural Municipality of Assiniboia. Included in this series are supporting documents, Debenture By-laws, Misc. By-laws, agreements, and numbered indexes.
Forms part of Fonds 25. Series consists of all surviving minutes for the Council of the Rural Municipality of Assiniboia. Both regular and special meetings of Council are recorded, as well as minutes of standing or special committees. Included in this series are Notes from Council for the years 1904-1913 and Indexes for the years 1914, 1915, 1918 and 1919. Missing are minutes 1930-1931 and 1936.