Under-Secretary of State E. J. Langevin - remission of duties paid on a steam fire engine and fire fighting apparatus
Ritter and Todd - requesting license for Dominion Hotel
R. H. Clarke - application for position of policeman
A. C. Bryson - application for position of policeman
P. C. Cameron - application for position of policeman
George Brouse and William Spice - license for the Brouse Hotel
August Girardine - license for the Manitoba House
G. B. Spencer (Customs Department) - duty must be paid on fire engine
Allan McInnis - application for position of policeman
A. G. B. Bannatyne - application for grocery license
Sergeant Gribbens - application for canteen license
Voters of East Ward - petition in support of issuing a saloon license to Robert P. Mulligan
C. M. Radiger and brother - application for a grocery license
Stewart Mulvey (License Inspector) - report on Larkin’s Hotel
Hugh McEwan - request for reduction of taxes on property in Point Douglas due to fire
Main Street looking north from Portage Avenue
Hyslop & Ronald - steam fire engines available for sale to City
Alfred E. Fisher - application for position of Tax Collector
John Eccles - application for position of Tax Collector
E. James Collins - application for position of Policeman