A. G. B. Bannatyne and others - request for extension of sidewalk from Post Office Street to McDermot
E. Sims - request for sidewalk extension from Kenny and Luxton to Garry Street
Stewart Mulvey - Fire, License, and Health Report
Kenny & Luxton - contract for printing
Hon. M. A. Girard (Provincial Secretary’s Office) - resolution of Council in the matter of the death of Gordon Gordon
Hon. M. A. Girard - stagnant water in the street in front of the local government offices
W. M. Burke - complaint against Chief of Police, John Ingram
G. B. Spencer and others - request for sidewalk on Victoria Street
Stewart Mulvey (Health Officer) - health report - place for refuse
Silsby Manufacturing Co. - fire engine and other fire fighting material to be provided to the City as ordered
C. Bennett - shipping Chair as ordered by the Mayor
Kit Larson & Fred Anderson – applications for positions as scavengers
Silsby Manufacturing Co. - invoices for fire fighting supplies
A. R. Gerald - request to continue to operate a slaughter house
S. J. Jackson and others - opening of Maria Street
Joseph Lodge - application for position of Engineer of the new Fire Engine
Under-Secretary of State E. J. Langevin - remission of duties paid on a steam fire engine and fire fighting apparatus
Thomas Longbottom and Wilbert Whitefield - requesting license for Hotel on Assinboine Road
Robert H. Cromm - requesting license for Hotel
James W. Donahue and others – equipment for firemen