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Forms part of Fonds 27: These records contain the administrative records of the Fort Garry Historical Society (FGHS). The documents contain background information on the creation of the FGHS, including the society’s constitution, agreements, and board member lists.


Forms part of Fonds 27: These records contain the regular board minutes for the society, annual general meeting minutes, and special board meeting minutes. The minutes cover all the board and Fort Garry Historical Society members' activities and decisions.


Forms part of Fonds 27: This series contains records of the different projects the Fort Garry Historical Society worked on through the decades. It includes subject files and non-society publications relating to people and life in Fort Garry. Examples include the Fort Garry Historical Society (FGHS) newsletters, publications by the FGHS, and other projects taken on by the Society.

Fort Garry Historical Society Inc.

  • f00027
  • Fonds
  • 1910-2017, predominant 1971-2017

This fonds consists of a range of materials created and collected by Fort Garry Historical Society members. The materials include minutes, agreements, reports, publications, photographs, and artworks. The collection documents the activities of the Fort Garry Historical Society from its creation to its end in 2017.


Forms part of Fonds 27: This series contains general correspondence between the Fort Garry Historical Society and its members, government agencies, and the public. It covers a wide range of topics, including correspondence relating to the governance of the Society, the St. Norbert Provincial Park, genealogical inquiries, and requests for information regarding the history of Fort Garry.

Résultats 101 à 120 sur 6519