Affichage de 209 résultats

description archivistique
Block, Morris Avec objets numériques
Aperçu avant impression Hierarchy Affichage :

Sidewalk in front of City Hall

Photograph of men sitting on the sidewalk in front of City Hall while others walk passed them. Photograph faces north towards Market Street.

Sans titre

Main Street, looking north from Lombard

Photograph mounted on cardboard of Main Street looking north from Lombard Avenue. The front of the record is dated as 1882, but the reverse side gives the dates as 1879-1880. It is unclear whether either of these dates refer specifically to the photograph of the entierty of the record.

Sans titre

Broadway looking west from Fort Garry Court

Photograph taken from Fort Garry Court, located at Broadway and Main Street, looking west down Broadway. St. Mary’s Academy, the Parliament Building (Legislature), and Law Courts are labeled off in the distance.

Sans titre

Group photo of S.C. Hill and City foremen

Group photograph mounted on cardboard of General Foreman S.C. Hill and his City foremen – likely from the City Engineer’s Department - 1898-1909. Each man is numbered and named below the photograph. seated, left to right: Bob Wilson, Dick Jones, S.C. Hill, J.S. Nicholas, L.O. Bailey; standing, left to right: Mr. Garfield, Jack Cassop, Tom McMunn, unknown, Sandy Cathcart, William Reid, G. Spence, John Burns, William Burke, and unknown. Photograph by Meyers Studios, Limited.

Sans titre

Résultats 81 à 100 sur 209