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Affichage de 6519 résultats

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Western Canada Fire Underwriters' Association collection

  • c00002
  • Collection
  • 1917-1964

Collection consists of fire insurance plans for the City of Winnipeg and the surrounding communities that comprise Greater Winnipeg. Fire insurance plans are maps showing, by colours and symbols, detailed information about each building including structure size and shape, construction materials and detailing, number of floors and lot size. Additional information can include street widths, street numbers, property lines and such fire protection facilities as water pipes or mains, fire hydrants and fire alarm boxes. The plans show streets, churches, hotels, industrial, commercial and public buildings. The plans were originally contained in eight bound atlases. These have been disassembled to facilitate access. Specific locations are accessed through a map key.

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Morris Block collection

  • c00004
  • Collection
  • 1876-1970

The collection consists of material relating to Winnipeg and includes vintage photographs of local businesses, buildings and civic government employees, works and operations; stereoscopic views published by the T. Eaton Co. Limited, the Keystone View Company and Underwood & Underwood, Publishers; postcards of Winnipeg published by Henry Kalen Ltd., and Alex Wilson Publications Limited; line drawings and sketches extracted from various publications; maps and plans of the City of Winnipeg; publications including telephone directories for the City of Winnipeg and Report on a Future Water Supply for the City of Winnipeg, Manitoba, 1897; ephemera including letterhead of local businesses, stock certificates, invoices, property tax receipts and statements, philatelic items (souvenir stamps created for civic events); miscellaneous artifacts including a souvenir ashtray, pin, sterling silver spoon, and coins.

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Various building and public works projects

Photographs of work being done on various building and public works projects. This includes work at the Union Stock Yards, work on a City pipeline, work on a sewer in Tuxedo, work being done on a septic tank for the Ninette Sanatorium, and work being done on a sump pump in Port Arthur (Thunder Bay), Ontario. Also included are a small number of photographs of leisure activities in unknown rural locations. Photographs are all similar in style and may have been taken by a single, unidentified photographer.

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Résultats 81 à 100 sur 6519