Empty cofferdam for aqueduct intake near Indian Bay
Last train to cofferdam at aqueduct intake at Indian Bay
Leveling and floating aqueduct inverts between McMunn and East Braintree
Mixer site next to GWWD rail siding east of East Braintree
Dental surgery next to GWWD Railway between East Braintree and Shoal Lake
Aqueduct drag line between East Braintree and Shoal Lake
Pouring aqueduct pipes at plant in Transcona
Bending invert steel reinforcing for aqueduct south of Anola
Dredge excavating for aqueduct east of Deacon
Concrete section of aqueduct near Spruce Siding
Soil test for aqueduct near Brokenhead River
Aqueduct officials party at Indian Bay
Pumping water from trench near Spruce Siding
Box drains for aqueduct between East Braintree and Shoal Lake
East end of aqueduct siphon at Boggy River
Riprapping west side of Falcon River Diversion Dyke at Indian Bay
Aqueduct siphon at Birch River crossing
GWWD dump car at McCorkell Pit
Dragline backfilling aqueduct south of Anola
Aqueduct drainage siphon near Meadowvale