G. B. Spencer and others - request for sidewalk on Victoria Street
Silsby Manufacturing Co. - invoices for fire fighting supplies
A. R. Gerald - request to continue to operate a slaughter house
Robert H. Cromm - requesting license for Hotel
James A. Graham (Chief Commissioner - Hudson’s Bay Company) - protesting against taxes
Josiah Adams - asking City to purchase timber and plank from him
John Herron - application for position of policeman
James Armstrong - license for the Ottawa Hotel
Edward Lemon - license for the Red Saloon
William Logan - license for Point Douglas House
Joseph Develin - license for the Eureka House
Washington Bros. and others - against granting hotel license to James McGregor
James G. Stone - application for position of policeman
W. H. Lyons - application for grocery license
Sergeant Gribbens - application for canteen license
Bain & Blanchard - damages to some of the Hudson’s Bay Company property
Silsby Manufacturing Co. - acknowledging receipt of City payment for $8,800
Duncan McArthur and others - petition against granting of license to Red Saloon