Series consists of a scrapbook commemorating the opening of the Grace hospital, a photograph collage of Winnipeg recreation spaces, and large photographs of Parks Board employees.
Series consists of photographs collected by Catherine Macdonald and used to author the book, “A City at Leisure: An Illustrated History of Parks and Recreation Services in Winnipeg, 1893-1993”. The book was coordinated by the History and Archives subcommittee of the 100th Anniversary Committee of the Parks and Recreation Department to celebrate the department’s 100th anniversary. The subcommittee began its work in 1993 and the book was published in 1995. The photographs were reproduced from various sources including the Archives of Manitoba.
Series consists of photographs of parks and playground staff, members of the Parks Board and Parks and Recreation Department, as well as photographs, pamphlets, and brochures of special staff events.
A group photograph of children posing on a swing set in an unknown park. The photograph is stamped "Free Press Photo" and is affixed to one side of an album page that has another photograph of the opposite side.
Two photographs affixed to one side of a piece of construction paper that has two other photos on its reverse. The photos depict girls playing on a swing set and boys enjoying ice cream cones.
Two photographs of children playing hockey on outdoor skating rinks. Photo at top was taken outside the Northland Knitting Company building at 618 Arlington Street. Photo at bottom was taken on Scotia Street, near Luxton Avenue. The photographs are affixed to one side of a piece of construction paper that has two other photos on its reverse.
A group photograph of children and adults on a skating rink in winter. The photograph is affixed to one side of an album page that has another photograph of the opposite side.
A photograph of streetcar on Broadway, looking west from Main Street. The Manitoba Club building can be seen on the left. Photographed by Steele and Company.
One side of an album page with two mounted photographs of Fort Rouge Park. Includes image of Fort Rouge Park with the Manitoba Legislature in the background (left) and an image of an unknown green space (right).