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Metro, By-laws, Reverse Numerical Volumes.

Sub-series consists of by-laws bound into volumes, with each volume containing between 170 and 370 by-laws. Supporting documents referenced in by-laws are tucked into the pages throughout the volume.

Records consist of an incomplete set of by-laws organized in reverse numerical order. Missing from the series are volumes for by-laws 1-175, 1230-1500, and 1751-1928.

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Metro, By-laws, Volumes.

Sub-series consists of by-laws bound into volumes, with each volume containing between 200 and 400 by-laws. Supporting documents referenced in by-laws are not always included in the volumes.

Records consist of a complete set of volumes numbered from 1 to 9. By-laws are arranged in numerical order. Oversized records are not always included in the set but can be found in sub-series 1.

For a more detailed description, see volume list.

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Metro, By-laws, General Files.

Sub-series consists of by-laws and attachments in multiple formats. Larger by-laws are bound individually into volumes.

Records consist of selected by-laws and related documents created during Metro’s existence. By-laws are kept in various formats including volumes, folders, binders and notebooks.

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Metro Council Minutes, Partial Sets

Sub-series consists of two incomplete sets of unsigned council minutes. Records consist of a three-volume set that documents meetings held between April 27, 1961 and November 8, 1962. It is unclear if or how many volumes exist documenting meetings held after November 8, 1962 until 1971. Each volume is in reverse chronological order. A second set begins in January 1964 and ends in December 1971. Each volume is organized in chronological order but the first five volumes are missing from this set.

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1950 flood photographs

Subseries consists of photographs collected and maintained by the City Engineering Department as a record of the 1950 flood. Photographs primarily document flooded areas in Winnipeg, showing street views, buildings, bridges, and other details related to the built environment. All photographs were taken by Harold K. White Studio.

Aerial photographs [1950 flood]

Subseries consists of black and white aerial photographs, maps, and communications that were created, collected and/or maintained by the City Engineering Department as a record of the 1950 flood. Aerial photographs provide a comprehensive view of Winnipeg and surrounding areas. They capture details related to flooding, the street system, and the built environment. Smaller details like the condition of buildings and signs are not visible. Aerial photographs were taken in May 1950 by an unknown photographer. A key grid for the aerial photographs is included.

A few letters and reports from City Engineer W.D. Hurst appear in this series, including a copy of his report The Red River Valley Flood Problem (March 31, 1949).

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Scrapbook [1956 flood clippings]

Subseries consists of a scrapbook assembled by the City Engineering Department to document the 1956 flood. It contains clippings from newspapers like the Winnipeg Free Press and Winnipeg Tribune. Clippings start February 25, 1956 and end May 7, 1956.

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Scrapbook [1950 flood photographs]

Subseries consists of a scrapbook assembled by the City Engineering Department to serve as photographic evidence of the 1950 flood. It contains black and white photographs that mostly document flooding in residential areas near the Red River (Fort Rouge, Riverview, North End, Point Douglas, Crescentwood, Armstrong's Point and others). Scrapbook appears to be organized geographically by area and street. In addition to documenting flooding, the photographs provide a detailed record of residential neighbourhoods, houses, streets, and businesses like corner grocery stores and laundries. All photographs were taken by Harold K. White Studio.

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Scrapbook B

Subseries consists of a scrapbook assembled by the City Engineering Department to document the 1950 flood. It contains newspaper clippings from primarily the Winnipeg Free Press and Winnipeg Tribune. Clippings from the Illustrated London News also included.

Newspaper coverage of the 1950 flood starts in Scrapbook A (April 4, 1950 to May 9, 1950) and continues in Scrapbook B (May 9, 1950 to August 16, 1950).

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Scrapbook A

Subseries consists of a scrapbook assembled by the City Engineering Department to document the 1948 flood and 1950 flood. It primarily contains clippings from newspapers like the Winnipeg Free Press and Winnipeg Tribune. Series also includes black and white photographs taken during the 1948 flood that show flooded areas by the Red River (e.g. Mill Street, Lombard Street, Arnold Avenue dyke, Elm Park Bridge, and St. Andrews Locks).

Newspaper coverage of the 1950 flood starts in Scrapbook A (April 4, 1950 to May 9, 1950) and continues in Scrapbook B (May 9, 1950 to August 16, 1950).

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Forms part of Series 181. Subseries consists of local improvement registers of the Committee on Public Works and its predecessors for the years 1892-1950. These include Pavement and Sewer registers, Grading registers, Alignment and Building Restriction registers, Lane Opening register, and Street and Lane registers. Registers contain information about who petitioned for improvements, where work was done, types of materials used, and newspaper advertisements for intention and date of construction.

Registers are accompanied by original alphabetical indexes. Registers usually reference street names, and may also include order numbers which correspond with work order files.

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Forms part of Series 181. Subseries consists of the communications packfiles of the Committee on Public Improvement its predecessors for the years 1903-1971. Records include blueprints, petitions, correspondence sent and received, and reports on applications for public improvements.

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Forms part of Series 181. Subseries consists of minutes and related reports for the Committee on Public Works and its predecessors for the years 1876-1971.

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Forms part of Series 179. Series consists of the communications packfiles of the Committee on Public Safety. Records include letters sent and received, plans, photographs, petitions, reports, printed copies of by-laws, and reports on transit routes.

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Forms part of Series 179. Subseries consists of minutes for the Committee on Public Safety. Indexes for minutes included.

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Series consists of the communications packfiles of the Committee on Legislation and Reception, and Committee on Personnel and Legislation, as the Committee was later named. Records include letters sent and received by the Committees, reports of committees, files on royal visits, copies of telegrams, petitions about adult suffrage, nominations for Employees' representative on the Employer-Employee Advisory Board.

Legislation files typically consist of correspondence with City Council and the provincial government and occasionally with the governments of other jurisdictions in Canada as well as draft copies of legislation and correspondence with members of the public.

Personnel files include staffing and salary recommendations from City departments, negotiations with unions as well as various reports on employee salaries and working conditions. These include information about specific employees as well as about general positions and job classes.

Files relating to receptions may include correspondence with visitors, invoices from suppliers, programs and menus, photographs, architectural drawings or artefacts such as buttons and ribbons.

In 1958 the duties of the Committee on Personnel and Legislation were taken over by the Committee on Finance. In 1960 the Standing Committee on Utilities and Personnel was formed by By-Law 18236 to perform the combined functions of the former Committee on Personnel and Legislation and Committee on Public Works.

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Sub-series consists of minutes and indexes to the minutes for the Committee on Legislation and Reception, a standing committee of Council. Minutes record members present at meetings, communications received from the public, Council or other committees and action taken.

In some years the index and the minutes are in the same volume and in separate volumes for some years.

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Forms part of Series 176. Subseries consists of the Minute books of the Committee on Public Utilities for the years 1921-1957, as well as the Minute books of the Committee on Utilities and Personnel for the years 1960-1971. Minute volumes include original indexes.

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