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2 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects

Public Works digital transfers
Public Works digital transfers
Assiniboine Park
Assiniboine Park
Kildonan Park and Kildonan Park Golf Course
Kildonan Park and Kildonan Park Golf Course
Parks and landmarks
Parks and landmarks
Departmental work
Departmental work
St. James Parks Board and Parks, 1958-1987
St. James Parks Board and Parks, 1958-1987
Special Jubilee Committee for Winnipeg's 50th anniversary
Special Jubilee Committee for Winnipeg's 50th anniversary
Donation 32: Bike zines
Donation 32: Bike zines
Donation 31: Orioles Bike Cage photo book
Donation 31: Orioles Bike Cage photo book
Donation 30: City of Winnipeg cycling maps and reports
Donation 30: City of Winnipeg cycling maps and reports
Donation 29: Canadian Cyclocross Championship photo book
Donation 29: Canadian Cyclocross Championship photo book
Donation 28: Olympian Lindsay Gauld Articles
Donation 28: Olympian Lindsay Gauld Articles
Donation 27: Kids of Mud posters
Donation 27: Kids of Mud posters
Donation 26: World Naked Bike Ride Day
Donation 26: World Naked Bike Ride Day
Donation 25: Canadian Cyclocross Nationals promotional material
Donation 25: Canadian Cyclocross Nationals promotional material
Donation 24: Dave Brophy’s ghost bike
Donation 24: Dave Brophy’s ghost bike
Donation 23: Cycling at the University of Manitoba, Folk Fest Ride, and various bike articles
Donation 23: Cycling at the University of Manitoba, Folk Fest Ride, and various bike articles
Donation 22: Photos of W.R.E.N.C.H., Ralph Brown Community Centre, and other events
Donation 22: Photos of W.R.E.N.C.H., Ralph Brown Community Centre, and other events
Donation 21: Winnipeg Trail System sign designs
Donation 21: Winnipeg Trail System sign designs
Donation 20: Articles about competition and local cycling
Donation 20: Articles about competition and local cycling
Results 1 to 20 of 223