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2 résultats avec objets numériques Afficher les résultats avec des objets numériques

Donation 9: Ukrainian immigrant bicycle story

Consists of digitized documents related to the immigration of Emma Obendoerfer to Canada from the Soviet Union following World War 2, as well as the bicycle she brought with her. Includes digitized images of immigration documents and photos, and a Microsoft Word document written by the donor that tells her story. Donation courtesy of Peter Obendoerfer.

Donation 30: City of Winnipeg cycling maps and reports

Consists of various reports and studies on Winnipeg cycling and cycling infrastructure conducted by the City of Winnipeg and others, as well as two issues of the “Active and Green” newsletter from 2007. Donation courtesy of Erik Dickson of the City of Winnipeg Public Works Department, Transportation Division.

Donation 14: Various cycling organizations and promotional material

Consist of promotional material (posters, screen prints, and pamphlets) for various cycling organizations and events, particularly the Bike Dump and the W.R.E.N.C.H,, and photos of an earn-a-bike program run by the W.R.E.N.C.H. for a fifth grade class at George V School in November, 2011. Donation courtesy of Geoffrey Heath.


Forms part of Fonds 27: These records contain the administrative records of the Fort Garry Historical Society (FGHS). The documents contain background information on the creation of the FGHS, including the society’s constitution, agreements, and board member lists.


Forms part of Fonds 27: These records contain the regular board minutes for the society, annual general meeting minutes, and special board meeting minutes. The minutes cover all the board and Fort Garry Historical Society members' activities and decisions.


Forms part of Fonds 27: This series contains records of the different projects the Fort Garry Historical Society worked on through the decades. It includes subject files and non-society publications relating to people and life in Fort Garry. Examples include the Fort Garry Historical Society (FGHS) newsletters, publications by the FGHS, and other projects taken on by the Society.

Résultats 1 à 20 sur 223