Affichage de 210 résultats

description archivistique
Alice Weir collection
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Alice Weir collection

  • c00010
  • Collection
  • 1917-1932, 1962, 1977

Collection consists of a range of materials collected by Alice Weir’s mother. The materials, including photographs, recital programs, pamphlets, and newspaper clippings, document her dancing and teaching careers and serve as a record of Weir’s achievements. Collection also contains photographs and programs that document the activities of Weir’s dance studio and her students.


  1. Class Recitals Programs (159)
  2. International Performances Pamphlets (160)
  3. Class and Recital Photographs (161)
  4. Biographical Information (162)

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Biographical information

Forms part of Collection 10. Series primarily consists of local newspaper clippings regarding Weir and her dance studio in Winnipeg. It also includes handwritten notes by Weir with her instructions for dance recitals and classes. Series contains a biography of Weir written by her daughter as well.

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Review of styles

Featuring Beverly Benson, Maurie Bouche Carrie-Lee Clark, Emil Bouche, Carolyn Williams, Larry Coyle, Bridgit Brennen, Vic Boudreau, Joan Combe, Rod Beehler, Sheila Rowson, and Art Goyer.

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Class and recital photographs

Forms part of Collection 10. Series consists of various photographs of Alice Weir and the many students who attended her classes. The photographs of performers in different themed costumes demonstrate the varied ages of Weir’s students. The costumes were designed and created by Weir’s mother.

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Photograph Scrapbook

This scrapbook consists of photographs glued or otherwise affixed to black pages that showcase various performances and dancers who danced with and were taught by Alice Weir throughout her career.

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Résultats 1 à 20 sur 210