Assiniboine Park conservatory
Portage Ave, 1924 parade, and other Winnipeg street scenes
Portage Ave, 1924 parade, and other Winnipeg street scenes
Icelandic float – Winnipeg’s 50th anniversary parade
50th anniversary parade on Portage
50th anniversary parade on Portage
50th anniversary parade on Portage
Marching band in 50th anniversary parade on Main
50th anniversary parade on Portage
CPR float – Winnipeg’s 50th anniversary parade
Eaton's promotional stereogram no. 7 - men’s clothing department
Eaton's promotional stereogram no. 5 - cutting men’s clothing
Excavation on Bannatyne near General Hospital
Portage looking east from around Carlton
Bank of Montreal building, Portage and Main
Eaton's promotional stereogram no. 4 – expansion of our factories
For Your Guidance While in Winnipeg promotional map
Group photo of City foremen and officials
Banfiend’s Furniture carts in front of Empire Hotel
1939 Royal Procession at River and Osborne
Group photo of S.C. Hill and City foremen