Affichage de 2392 résultats

description archivistique
City of Winnipeg (1874-1971)
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City of Winnipeg (1874-1971)
City of Winnipeg (1874-1971)
Winnipeg 50th Anniversary celebration press clippings
Winnipeg 50th Anniversary celebration press clippings
Winnipeg 50th Anniversary celebration press clippings
Winnipeg 50th Anniversary celebration press clippings
Red River cart and Hudson’s Bay Company float
Red River cart and Hudson’s Bay Company float
Calhoun Hat float and Red River cart
Calhoun Hat float and Red River cart
Royal Crown Soaps and marching bagpipers
Royal Crown Soaps and marching bagpipers
Ukraine and Rotary Club floats
Ukraine and Rotary Club floats
Winnipeg Hydro and St. Boniface first fire engine floats
Winnipeg Hydro and St. Boniface first fire engine floats
Red River cart
Red River cart
Indigenous riders at head of parade
Indigenous riders at head of parade
Red River cart and other parade scenes at Portage and Main and at Notre Dame
Red River cart and other parade scenes at Portage and Main and at Notre Dame
50th anniversary parade at Portage and Main
50th anniversary parade at Portage and Main
Tribune Flowers and other floats
Tribune Flowers and other floats
Health Department float
Health Department float
Dancers and Hoof and Horn riders
Dancers and Hoof and Horn riders
Hold, Renfrew & Co. And Husbandry-Industry-Progress floats
Hold, Renfrew & Co. And Husbandry-Industry-Progress floats
City of Winnipeg By-laws volume A, part 7 (119 to 135)
City of Winnipeg By-laws volume A, part 7 (119 to 135)
Board of Control
Board of Control
Committee on Finance to G.A. Harrison regarding a badge list during the strike
Committee on Finance to G.A. Harrison regarding a badge list during the strike
Résultats 1 à 20 sur 2392