Affichage de 2392 résultats

description archivistique
City of Winnipeg (1874-1971)
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1203 résultats avec objets numériques Afficher les résultats avec des objets numériques

City Hall Press Cards

Forms part of Fonds 1. Series consists of a handwritten list of the names of journalists issued press cards from circa 1959 until 1977. Included are thumbnail photographs of radio, print and television journalists and a few signed press cards. The entries are chronological.

Parking Authority

Forms part of Fonds 1. Series consists of all surviving correspondence for the Parking Authority (1959-1965, 1970-1972). Other record types include reports and financial records.

Series keeps the arrangement made by the original creator.

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Forms part of Series 54. Subseries consists of minutes for the Committee on Finance, a standing committee of Council. The minutes of the Finance Committee contain a wide range of information relating to works undertaken by the City, employment practices, contract administration and policy implementation. Minutes of the Finance Committee also contain financial information for all other committees, which were required to report to the Finance Committee on any budget items. Indexes are included.

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City Engineer

Part of City of Winnipeg (1874-1971) fonds. Series consists of records created and maintained by the City Engineer and Engineering Department.

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Winnipeg Traffic Commission

Forms part of Fonds 1. Series consists of minutes, correspondence, reports, by-laws and notes for the Winnipeg Traffic Commission (1954-1971). By-laws are certified true copies.

Series arranged according to original order.

Series consists of two sub-series:

Sub-Series 30: Minutes, (1954-1971).
Sub Series 31: Correspondence, (1957-1971).

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WTC Correspondence

Forms part of Fonds 1, Series 155. Series consists of all surviving correspondence for the City of Winnipeg Traffic Commission (1954-1971). Files include copies of by-laws, traffic regulations, reports, and other correspondence.

Series is arranged according to original order.


Forms part of Series 1. Subseries consists of minutes for the Committee on Public Health and Welfare, a standing committee of Council. Committee responsibilities changed periodically over the years. As well, the name of the committee changed several times, and this is reflected in the minutes. Minutes typically follow a Council year, as standing committees were struck at the first meeting of each new Council.

1876-1878Board of Health
1879-1882Health, Relief and Cemetery Committee
1883-1886Committee on Health and Relief
1887-1905Health, Market and License Committee (sometimes Market, License and Health Committee)
1905-1908Public Health Committee
1909-1957Committee on Health
1958-1971Committee on Public Health and Welfare

Winnipeg Board of Parks and Recreation

Forms part of Fonds 1. The Winnipeg Board of Parks and Recreation was responsible for managing all public parks located in the City of Winnipeg. The Board had the power to employ appropriate staff; pass by-laws regarding the use, protection and governance of City parks; assess and levy rates to cover costs for park improvements; and to acquire, expropriate and dispose of land for park purposes. The Board was required to keep records regarding its decisions and financial transactions.

The minutes, by-laws, communications and reports of the Winnipeg Board of Parks and Recreation trace the development of public park space in Winnipeg.

The records consist of five sub-series:

Sub-Series 10:Minutes, 1893-1964

Sub-Series 11:Minutes, Standing and Special Committees, 1893-1964

Sub-Series 12:Communications, 1901-1931. Bound Letter Press volumes and loose correspondence

Sub-Series 13: Reports, 1892-1971

Sub-Series 14:By-Laws, 1928-1963

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City Surveyor

Series consists of correspondence, all of which relates to personnel matters including recommendations about specific individuals, wages and classifications, employment policies such as the so-called “Slave Pact” implemented after the strike in 1919, seniority lists and related staffing policies and practices.

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Special Committees, Minutes

Forms part of Fonds 1: Series consists of bound minute books for special committees struck by Council. The minute books are chronological and each one contains minutes for multiple special committees active during a given timeframe. In most volumes, a list of special committees and their respective page numbers are recorded on the first few pages of the volume. Not all special committees appear in volume listings and not all page references are complete. Most special committees have associated correspondence and working papers in addition to minutes. These records are separate from minutes. From about 1924 onward, special committees and their associated files were assigned an alpha-numeric code beginning with the letter "A".

Council established special committees to investigate and manage various projects, issues and questions placed before the City. Special committees were typically struck by a Council motion that outlined committee composition and responsibilities, and permanently adjourned once the issue had been resolved or referred to Council with a recommended course of action.

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Forms part of Series 26, Fonds 1. Subseries consists of annual reports of the Public Parks Board of Winnipeg and the Winnipeg Board of Parks and Recreation.

Municipal Manuals

Forms part of Fonds 1: Series consists of publications produced by the City Clerk's Department on an annual basis. Information was gathered from city departments and includes a broad range of data, past and present, reflecting Winnipeg's political and administrative structure and general activities under the City's jurisdiction. Volumes contain historical facts, election results, a description of Council, appointments to Standing and Special Committees and Public Boards, descriptions of civic departments and statistics on services delivered by the City. The first issue in 1904 consisted of only 20 pages. The manual changed over the years and grew in size as new material was added. The series continues after the formation of Unicity in 1972.

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WTC Minutes

Forms part of Fonds 1, Series 155. Sub-Series consists of all surviving minutes for the City of Winnipeg Traffic Commission (1954-1971).

Minutes are in chronological order.

Committee on Public Utilities

Forms part of Fonds 1. Series consists of the minutes and communications of the Committee on Public Utilities, a standing committee of Council.

The records consist of two subseries:

Subseries 32: Minutes, 1921-1957, 1960-1971.

Subseries 33: Communications, 1920 -1971.

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Forms part of Series 181. Subseries consists of the communications packfiles of the Committee on Public Improvement its predecessors for the years 1903-1971. Records include blueprints, petitions, correspondence sent and received, and reports on applications for public improvements.

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Forms part of Fonds 1. Series consists of by-laws for the City of Winnipeg pre-unicity (1874-1971). By-laws are municipal laws that were passed or amended by City Council. By-laws relate to City land development, regulations, local improvements, street names/openings/closings, authorization of agreements, finance/taxation, governance/administration, and amendments to previous by-laws.

Original by-laws dating 1874-1971 exist in a set of trifolds and are numbered 1-19876. By-laws are numbered chronologically according to date created.

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Forms part of Series 1. Subseries consists of all surviving correspondence directed toward the Committee on Public Health and Welfare. The correspondence dates from the first year of the City of Winnipeg's incorporation, 1874, until its final year as a unique entity, 1971. The correspondence covers a wide variety of topics including matters relating to health and welfare and the Health Department after it was formed in 1900, but also the formation and management of markets, bath houses and comfort stations; library operations and staffing; licensing issues and inspections; complaints about noise, smoke and other nuisances; and, Health Department staff appointments, requests for leave and general staffing issues.

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Election Records

Forms part of Fonds 1: Series consists of records created, accumulated and used by the City Clerk's Department to run elections for Mayor, Councilors and School Trustees and to record the vote on money by-laws, referenda and plebiscites. The records document the development of election processes including those designed to implement proportional representation in 1920; disputes regarding the counting of the vote and judicial recounts; nomination papers and oaths of office; staffing of election polls; preparation of voters lists; sample posters, ballots and other documentation created to facilitate the electoral process; and voters lists.

The records consist of three sub-series:

Sub-Series 4:Nominations and Results, 1874-1970

Sub-Series 5: Election Working Papers, 1874-1970

Sub-Series 6:Voters Lists, 1881-1970

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Better Housing Commission

Forms part of Fonds 1. Series documents implementation of The Minimum Standard of Housing By-law through the Better Housing Commission. Records consist of Orders of Non-Conformance to owners of residences, appeals made by building owners, and letters regarding decisions on appeals made by the Commission. The records are generally in chronological order, but not entirely. Some documents with various dates were originally stapled together as cases were heard at specific meetings.

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